
#Followateen Twitter Trend Sparks Epic Teen Vs. Adult War

Adrian Chen · 05/03/13 12:57PM

Have you heard of the twitter trend #followateen that everyone is talking about? No? Congratulations. Life is good. Turn off the computer now and go outside and enjoy your perfect life. Still there? Well, if you insist on biting into this poisonous knowledge fruit, read on. Learn of the Great Teen-Adult Twitter War of 2013.

As If Adults Haven't Been Eating Lucky Charms This Whole Time

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/12 10:38AM

So, says here that Lucky Charms' new advertisement is targeting not children, but "adults who as kids grew up with Lucky the Leprechaun and are apparently running back to him in search of some feel-good nostalgia." I guess the General Mills™ corporation just likes throwing away money these days, because all of the adults I know have been eating Lucky Charms this whole time.

Where They Weekend: Montclair, NJ

jliu · 03/11/07 10:44AM

Ever wonder why there's never any news on the weekends? It's because come 5:00 PM on Friday, all the respectable adults who write the stuff decamp to greener pastures. Maybe the most verdant of said pastures? Montclair, N.J.— a wondrous place a bit more than twelve miles west of Manhattan (20 miles as-the-car-drives), where legend has it that M.F.A. moms drive carpools and J-school dads coach Little League. This compact hinterland of the creative class (6.3 sq. mi., pop. 39,000) has got everything today's enlightened parents need to raise a brood of precocious little scribblers: six train stations with speedy service into the big city, a legitimate art museum, a bunch of scruffy cinemas (just try looking for The Host and The Lives of Others in Park Slope), and even diversity, both in the form of ethnic foods and ethnic peoples. So pack up the Camry, kids, we're going on safari through the suburban wilds of Montclair!