
Nothing's Lost Forever

Richard Lawson · 03/19/09 09:44AM

A SAG-sack returns, two beauties team up for impossibly beautiful lovemaking, Up graces Cannes, Kevin Costner is back, and so is Behind the Music.

Peyser on Shelly Protest: Alien War 2, "The Backlash Begins"

Emily Gould · 11/30/06 10:20AM

Remember the battle against "alien predators" that protestors were planning to wage in the wake of indie actress Adrienne Shelly's tragic murder? Today, Andrea Peyser upgrades the situation to an "alien war." Grab your rayguns!

'Post:' Misbegotten Blockbuster Responsible for Indie Actress's Death?

Emily Gould · 11/29/06 10:10AM

Maybe we're missing something here. Adrienne Shelly was in, like, Hal Hartley movies, not . . . oh. Oh, the article is about a protest by activists who maintain that "[Shelly's] death could have been avoided if the United States stringently enforced its immigration laws to stop human smuggling and the hiring of illegal workers." We don't know what's more awful, those assholes or the headline that conjures up images of Saana Lathan trapped in a space-creature's dripping jaws. Or us for pointing it out. A three-way tie, we suppose.

Alien 'Predators' [NYPost]

Adrienne Shelly: The Unbelievable Truth

abalk2 · 11/03/06 08:50AM

If you came of age concurrent to the rise of "independent" film you probably remember Adrienne Shelly. She was the muse of the early Hal Hartley pictures; she was absolutely adorable in Joel Hershman's criminally underseen Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me; she was pretty much on any soi-disant intellectual guy's top five crush list.