
James O'Keefe Will Pay $100,000, Apologize to Former ACORN Employee

Taylor Berman · 03/07/13 07:55PM

Journalism school laughingstock and expert jazz hands practitioner James O'Keefe will pay $100,000 and apologize to a former ACORN employee who was fired after being featured in one of O'Keefe's 2009 "sting" videos. The heavily-edited videos were successful, in that they led to a congressional investigation that eventually shutdown ACORN, netting O'Keefe $65,000 in the process. The videos were also, apparently, illegally filmed, at least the one shot in California. Former ACORN employeed Juan Carlos Vera sued O'Keefe and his partner-in-crime Hannah Giles last year, saying the secretly recorded video violated California law that prohibits recording someone without their permission.

James O'Keefe Earned $65K for His ACORN Sting

Maureen O'Connor · 04/10/12 05:21PM

Poring over the court documents on ACORN, Wonkette discovered that Andrew Breitbart agreed to pay James O'Keefe and his ACORN sting video co-star Hanna Giles a combined $120,000. Apparently James got a grand total of $65,000 for his "life rights," but Giles got cut off due to "a conflict of visions" after receiving a comparatively scan $32,000. [Wonkette, image via]

Andrew Breitbart: Big Deal, Big Coronary, Big Corpse

mobutu & Gen. Ze'evi · 03/06/12 03:50PM

Provocateur, website founder and collector of America's largest wads of spittle Andrew Breitbart died last Thursday morning, when some sentient shred of his cardiac organ kamikazed out of an exhausted sense of justice.

Won't You Help James O'Keefe Pay off His 'Major Credit Card Debt'?

Jim Newell · 03/23/11 10:57AM

Conservative prankster James O'Keefe, the artless cad behind heavily edited video "stings" on NPR, ACORN, and other enemies of the state, has been paying for all of his work on his and his buddies' credit cards. Apparently it costs a lot of money to carry a camera and act like a jackass — $50,000, as it happens! So won't you be a peach and give him $50,000, or perhaps even $1 million? This is James O'Keefe's plea in an email to supporters.

Welcome to the Next Two Years of GOP Investigations

John Cook · 11/03/10 03:04PM

The GOP won its very own House! Now's the part where they throw their shit all over the walls. Here are the criminal enterprises, like science and community organizers, that the GOP will use its newfound subpoena power to crush.

Republicans Salivating Over Endless Obama Investigations

Jim Newell · 09/22/10 04:46PM

If Republicans take the House back this fall, there's one thing you can count on: their constant use of subpoena power. Meaning, they'll formally investigate Obama's every turn. They can't wait. In fact, they're already drafting a long, long list.

Republicans Are Afraid Census Scare Tactics May Backfire

Jeff Neumann · 04/05/10 04:35AM

With the census due, conservatives worry that months of stoking fear among their constituents may come back to bite them in the ass, because a low turn out could mean a loss of Republican seats in Congress. Brilliant move, guys.

ACORN Dissolves

Pareene · 02/22/10 03:49PM

ACORN is dead. Long live a bunch of unaffiliated local offices that do the stuff ACORN did but without the national lobbying arm that occasionally convinced lawmakers to do nice things for poor people. That'll teach them to humor a douchey college kid asking silly questions.

Teabugger Tape Dishonestly Edited, Professional Propagandist Misleads

Pareene · 02/17/10 02:45PM

Did you know that when investigative journalist/huge racist/attempted phone-tamperer James O'Keefe illegally videotaped himself fucking with ACORN employees, he was not actually dressed as a cartoon pimp, but actually "in slacks and a button-down shirt"? You probably didn't know that, because not a single media outlet that reported on the tapes ever saw the unedited versions, and O'Keefe's employer Andrew Breitbart lied about them, repeatedly!

Twitterati Mock Their Enemies

Ryan Tate · 01/26/10 07:34PM

ACORN eagerly celebrated the bust of its most effective critic; Brad King wished for Condé Nast's comeuppance; and Gabe Rivera prayed that TechCrunch would fix a near-criminal advertisement. The Twitterati were out for blood.

Michael Steele's Shameless Greed Shocks Even Fellow Republicans

Maureen O'Connor · 12/22/09 01:32AM

Because earning $223,500 per year as the GOP's designated loudmouth is not enough, Steele also dabbles in the private loudmouth sector, drawing up to $20,000 for speeches where he does stuff like praise ACORN. We found a video!

Heroic 9/12 Mob Chases Off Black People

Pareene · 09/25/09 02:28PM

Seriously, we cannot actually imagine watching this and cheering on the shrieking old white man. Even if we agreed that ACORN was a terrible criminal organization bent on helping all the prostitutes in the world fill out their taxes while registering illegal immigrant cartoon characters to vote, we would still be incredibly uncomfortable watching Tim Jones scream at a couple fucking kids (one of whom he definitely calls "boy" in his charming Boston accent) and their mother.