
Writing to Survive

Tasha Keeble · 05/09/15 01:05PM

Last week, while visiting a liberal arts college in Oakland, I sat on a small couch and listened to the only white male on a panel boast at least three times that he’s “never been qualified for any of the jobs” he’s had. He laughed and chuckled at his dumb luck. The white woman beside him bragged, “I haven’t interviewed for a job in twenty years.” After the third comment, I exchanged glances with friends, reflecting our shared concern over the repeated statements. The white man slouched in his chair as he spoke to a room of women writers—some of color, of varied shades, and some who shared his complexion. This white man, the owner of a publishing house, wore his ignorance in his smile, while we burned in our seats.

Adam Weinstein · 04/11/14 12:51PM

Huffington Post has pulled an infographic and article suggesting a link between U.S. killings by vets and their war service, after Gawker and Business Insider debunked them. "We regret that the data as presented in our graphic was incomplete and misleading," a HuffPo editors' note read.