
Is It OK That I'm Never Going to See The Artist?

Louis Peitzman · 02/26/12 04:24PM

As a lifetime fan of the Academy Awards and a former film critic, I've made it a point to keep up with the Oscars, even as the years passed and the awards lost some credibility. (Hi, 2005 Best Picture winner Crash.) I can't remember the last time I hadn't seen all the Best Picture nominees. Missing from my list this year: War Horse, The Help, and The Artist. Tell me if I'm wrong here, but I don't feel like I'm actually missing much.

The Oscars' Biggest Misses

Matt Toder · 02/26/12 10:45AM

The Oscars are the definitive award for motion pictures, the highest achievement in film. But, the Academy has been known to make some bone-headed decisions in the past giving awards to inferior films or performances while passing up clearly superior fare. These are Oscar's biggest misses.

Here's a Collection of Billy Crystal's Best Oscar Monologue Moments

Matt Toder · 02/26/12 09:28AM

Tonight, Billy Crystal returns to host the Oscars for the first time since 2004; it will be his ninth appearance has host, second only to Bob Hope. Start getting excited for the Oscars with this collection of some of Crystal's best monologue moments.

The Best of the Worst Netflix Reviews of Best Picture Nominees

Louis Peitzman · 02/25/12 01:11PM

Just because Netflix users aren't professional film critics doesn't mean they don't have strong opinions. Some Netflix reviews are, in fact, insightful, cogent, and sharply composed — but who wants to read those? In honor of the 2012 Academy Awards on Sunday, here are the best of the worst Netflix reviews of the 10 Best Picture nominees.

What Not to Do at Your Oscar Party

Brian Moylan · 02/25/12 12:00PM

Sunday night the television audience for the Oscars telecast will be as large and as social as for any other event except the Super Bowl. Many will have the bright idea to invite all your friends over for an Oscar Party. For those playing host, here are some common party fouls to avoid.

Treat Yourself to an Oscar

Louis Peitzman · 02/25/12 11:40AM

Short on talent but not on funds? You might be in luck. While it's too late to be considered for any of Sunday's Academy Award wins, you can bid on one of 15 Oscar statuettes on Tuesday. Or, hell, bid on them all. You can always pawn off the extras when you need to pick up a Tony or a Golden Globe.

Oscar Voters Are Older, Whiter, and Maler Than You Thought

Brian Moylan · 02/20/12 12:58PM

No one really knows who the 5,765 members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences are. Yes, those who decide who gets the fetishized and neutered gold man at the Oscars were a mystery until now. The LA Times did a demographic study of who is casting the votes. Shocker: it's old white guys.

Whitney's Final Film Performance Hits Theaters in August

Louis Peitzman · 02/12/12 10:00AM

It's been less than a day since Whitney Houston died, but the show must go on. And that doesn't just refer to the Grammys, which will air tonight as scheduled. MTV News reports that Sparkle, Houston's final film and her first since 1996's The Preacher's Wife, will be released in August.

The New Oscar Nominating System Doesn't Make Any Damn Sense

Brian Moylan · 11/17/11 05:15PM

Remember when the Oscars had five Best Picture nominees and then they switched it to 10? Remember when they stopped that and now it's going to be like six or seven or nine or who the fuck knows? Well, they announced how they're going to figure out the nominees. Proceed only if you have a PhD in imaginary math.