
Pentagon, Gibbs Deny Detainee Rape Pics

Pareene · 05/28/09 02:49PM

The British tabloids don't mind single-sourcing and getting things a bit wrong in the name of a good story, so who are we to believe when the Pentagon—they lie about everythingdenies a Telegraph story? Are there terrible rape photos Obama refuses to release, or...?

Don Cornelius in Domestic Violence Bust

ian spiegelman · 10/18/08 02:07PM

Former Soul Train host Don Cornelius was arrested for domestic violence at his Los Angeles home last night. Cops responding to a radio call for domestic abuse showed up at Cornelius's place on Mulholland Drive and arrested the 72-year-old at the scene. He was taken to an LAPD jail in Van Nuys, booked on felony domestic violence charges, and released on $50,000 bail. The police still aren't saying who he allegedly abused, or how, but he lives with his wife. [NYDN]

Beleaguered Burlesque Club Defends Itself

ian spiegelman · 09/28/08 03:46PM

Simon Hammerstein, co-owner of downtown burlesque theater The Box—which pretty much everyone in the neighborhood wants shuttered—is sort of defending himself—mainly via proxy—against charges that he's a grunting hog who sexually harasses his female employees. And he's doing it in the pages of the Times' Sunday Styles, natch. First of all: he could never be untoward. Because he's engaged to a lady! "Mr. Hammerstein said he had recently become engaged and would marry 'in Decemberish.' He did not elaborate. Mystery, he said, is really the core of his business." As for charges that he regularly slapped female employees on their asses hard enough to leave bruises and that he coerced the Porcelain TwinZ, Amber and Heather Langely, to dirty up their act so that he could rename it "Twincest"? Oh, pooh-pooh. He's an artist!

Christian Bale Is Often Angry

Richard Lawson · 07/22/08 03:47PM

In light of his recent assault troubles (which, incidentally, he denies), our lovely video folks have put together a little compilation of Christian Bale at his most raging. Of course there's the infamous offing of Jared Leto in American Psycho oh and look! There he is as Batman, wailing on Heath Ledger's serpentine Joker. Click through to watch the (NSFW, probs) video, plus get a little bonus from me.

Child With Large Head, Heart Sings For YOU

Pareene · 04/02/08 05:18PM

Public Access TV was once a haven of seedy underground art, bizarre comedy, and wild television experimentation limited only by crappy equipment. Also it was home to insane displays of the utter, irredeemable weirdness of mankind, like the attached clip of two children being forced to sing a song from The Sound of Music that the younger, lumberjack-shirted fellow refers to, with anger and confusion, as "Doedeer." Click! Shudder!