
Caught Between A Rock And A Dumb Place

Rebecca · 04/18/08 03:53PM

Go Elis! Only not. In the past ten days, we've had larceny charges against an aspiring Galie and pseudo abortion, pseudo art project from senior Aliza Shvarts. It's enough to make Harvard appealing. But on a beautiful spring day like this, when faux controversies surround art and reproductive rights, we do sort of miss college. Where else could a debate over Shvarts's "art" not immediately conclude with, "she's a savvy media whore who is willing sell her name, body and college intuitions for publicity." It's nearly impossible to pick the most offensive aspect of this little project. That Shvartz maybe lied to create publicity, that maybe Yale lied to protect itself from a student, or what she actually claimed to do, which is to induce miscarriages to get people "to think." It's like we're caught between a world of The Hills and Abortion Art. Can't there be a happy medium, like Top Chef?

Abortion Performance Art Actually Media Exploitation

Rebecca · 04/18/08 08:44AM

Remember that abortion art project where a Yale student impregnated herself only to induce miscarriages? Edgy, right? Pro-life, pro-choice and pro-quality art people were all outraged. But now it's the media's turn to be annoyed because because the "artist," Aliza Shvarts, totally played us. "The entire project is an art piece, a creative fiction designed to draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding form and function of a woman's body," said a Yale spokeswoman. Shvarts still maintains she aborted life for the sake of art. And in the case of her life, that's true enough. [AP]