
Media Bubble: Memoirs May Be Beautiful, and Yet

Jesse · 06/06/06 01:00PM

Fortune editor to co-write Alan Greenspan's memoir. He's say he's excited, but that might be viewed as irrationally exuberant. [NYT]
• And Ted Turner will likely have a memoir coming, too. [NYP]
• More and more newspaper advertising is shifting to web. Um, duh. [NYT]
• Elizabeth Vargas needed that anchor chair like a fish needs a bicycle. Honest. [Phil. Inq.]

Media Bubble: 'Times' Pays Off Wen Ho Lee

Jesse · 06/02/06 05:00PM

• Five news orgs — including NYT — pay Wen Ho Lee $750,000 to settle his case. Which seems not a not entirely unreasonable amount after mistakenly being labled a nuclear spy. [NYT]
• CBS News Iraq reporter Kim Dozier now off respirator, breathing on her own. []
• Charlie Gibson thinks New York's Joe Hagan "is something of a snake" and will never talk to him again. Mind you, this is over a fluffy Q&A. [Chicago Defender]
• Best attack on Judy Miller ever: She could have prevented 9/11. [TAP]
Time loses Baghdad reporters; New York to lose dapper WSJer Matthew Rose. [NYP]
Time's Jim Kelly to take sabbatical, visit Statue of Liberty before starting new corporate gig. [MW]
GMA EP Ben Sherwood quits. Presumably he just couldn't bear not having Charlie Gibson's full attention. [Media Mob/NYO]

Media Bubble: Even More About Page Six

Jesse · 05/22/06 12:42PM

• Ian Spiegelman tells Simon Dumenco that Page Six is in fact like the Mafia, that its writers at least feel bad writing homophobic items, and that China and Nicole Kidman are off-limits. Also, though his novel's protagonist takes cash for good coverage, he does not believe the JPS charges. [Ad Age]
• Sulzberger apologizes to graduates for not stopping war, achieving equality, and protecting Roe, and legalizing gay marriage. Next week, he'll apologize to his reporters for giving right-wing anti-Timesers a huge trove of new fodder. [Daily Freeman via Romenesko]
• Things suck at ABC News. [LAT]
• Newspaper people — even David Carr's young friends — worry how much longer they'll have jobs. [NYT]

Media Bubble: Media Books R Us

Jesse · 05/05/06 12:17PM

• Howell Raines' new book — The One That Got a Way — has an unoriginal title. [WWD]
• Bidding for Plame memoir reaches seven figures. And it sounds like the Howell Raines book party was boring. [NYP]
People named Time Inc.'s mag of the year, for its excellent coverage of, among other things, the ill-fated Zellweger-Chesney nuptials. [WWD]
• More investors are shorting Times Co. stock. Oh, poor Pinch. [NYP]
• ABC anchor Bob Woodruff's recovery continues, but it's still unclear when he'll be able to return. [LAT]
• More evidence 750 Third Avenue will rival 4 Times Square in coolness: New cafeteria will offer sushi bar, custom salad station, international specials. [Media Mob/NYO]
• Well-hung Clinton to speak at News Corp. retreat. [Media Mob/NYO]
Forbes editor Bill Baldwin doesn't read Jon Friedman's column. [MW]

Media Bubble: Because ABC's Biggest Problem Is Leaked Email

Jesse · 04/12/06 01:26PM

• Problem-ridden ABC News hunts for GMA email leaker. This much we know: It wasn't Krucoff. [NYO]
• Howell Raines' new memoir is good. [WP]
• Is Conde considering moving publishers around? Perhaps. [WWD]
• "The Feds yesterday arrested two young Wall Streeters and a mole at a Business Week print shop for running a trans-Atlantic insider trading scam that enlisted investment bank colleagues and a stripper to rack up $6.7 million in ill-gotten gains." It's ledes like this that make it impossible to stay mad at the Post. [NYP]
NYT names a new real-estate editor; Joyce Cohen has fun with capital letters. [HuntGrunt]
• 'Times' gets new ThuStyles deputy editor; remarkably it's not a gay man. She is, however, a former Observer m.e., which the Observer doesn't mention. [Media Mob/NYO]

Payola Six: Some Kind of Spinning Away

Jessica · 04/11/06 02:40PM

Despite the appearance of trauma and drama, we suspect Jared Paul Stern is a very happy man right now. Sure, he was caught on videotape allegedly trying to shake down billionaire Ron Burkle, but the press is slowly starting to let up on Stern himself, at least in that it's increasingly probable that Burkle masterminded some sort of set up. The most significant pieces of press in Stern's favor have come from ABC News, which was the first to report Stern's defense; yesterday they also reported that the FBI did not have enough evidence to make an arrest.

Media Bubble: The Joys of Renegotiating Your Contract

Jesse · 04/07/06 03:20PM

• Bonnie's rich AMI contract is up at the end of June, and — as one of her mags gets shut down and another's redesign is more or less undone — negotiations are underway. Great timing, eh? [NYP (second item)]
• Newspapers execs met in Chicago, surrounded by dinosaur skeletons. Sexy Jon Fine enjoys that metaphor, as he should. [BizWeek]
• Who does Spin hire to replenish its now-virtually-empty staff ranks? An alt-porn auteur and star, naturally. [FBNY]
• Injured ABC anchor Bob Woodruff sends note to colleagues, releases photo. We're very pleasantly surprised to see that he does, in fact, still look like an anchorman. [AP/USAT]
Forward politics writer E.J. Kessler to move to New York Post op-ed gig. Because people jump from socialist to conservative papers all the time. [Forward]
• All the standard kvetches about media? Wrong, wrong, and wrong, says Bill Powers. [NJ]
• Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, the son of Pinch who we've attempted to saddle with the nickname Prince, to leave the Providence Journal for The Oregonian in Portland. Wonder where he'll end up? [Providence Phoenix]
NYT Congress reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg to become paper's White House reporter. [Media Mob/NYO]
• The Voice loses another, this time investigative reporter Jennifer Gonnerman. [Media Mob/NYO]
• Are Conde Nast editors being shut out of Devil Wears Prada screenings? Um, no. [WWD]

Media Bubble: Oh, We're So Sorry, Judy

Jesse · 03/17/06 12:17PM

• Judy Miller finally figured out why her Times career went to hell: It was the bloggers' fault. Of course it was. [Slate]
• Six weeks later, ABC anchor Bob Woodruff is released from the hospital to continue his rehabilitation elsewhere. [ABCNews]
• And 18 months later, NYT researcher Zhao Yan is released from prison after the Chinese government withdraws state-secrets charges. [NYT]
• Jon Friedman's doesn't love Mike Wallace. [MW]
• Coming soon: Isaac Mizrahi: The Magazine? [WWD (second item)]

Media Bubble: Charlie Gibson for 'WNT' Anchor

Jesse · 03/15/06 01:01PM

• Today's speculation on the next World News Tonight anchor: Charlie Gibson. Because Diane wants him to. [NYO]
• That Times Mag Mark-Warner-Looks-Nothing-Like-His-Photo correction? It's all thanks to the Observer. [NYO]
• Howell Raines' latest memoir TK on May 9. In case 20,000 words in The Atlantic wasn't enough for you. [E&P]
• Kent Brownridge is gone from Wenner Media. Again. For real. We think. [NYP]
• And Jann startes hunting for a new Kent. Mary Berner, maybe? [WWD]
• The Times thinks Hillary's running for president, too: She'll now be covered through the Washburo instead of the Metro desk. [NYO]

Media Bubble: That Internet Thing Is Gonna Be Huge

Jesse · 03/13/06 12:47PM

• Big media companies like buying popular websites. Who knew? [Mediaweek]
• 2005 was a bad year for newspapers. You don't say. [WSJ]
• David Carr can't quite figure out why CBS wants Katie Couric so badly. [NYT]
• Lewis Lapham's welcome present for Roger Hodge: Lots of readers pissed off about an article on researchers who dispute the idea that HIV causes AIDS. [NYT]
• Diane Sawyer will be the next World News Tonight anchor. [Newsday]
• No, wait. Charlie Gibson will. [NYP]

Gossip Roundup: Sawyer Scratches at Glass Ceiling

Jessica · 03/09/06 11:26AM

• With injured anchor Bob Woodruff not likely making a full-time return and co-host Elizabeth Vargas' bursting womb, ABC is in need of a talking head for World News Tonight. Thankfully, it looks like Diane Sawyer will be coming to the rescue. She may be the network's fourth choice, but she's first in beating Katie Couric to the punch. [Fox 411]
• Dina Lohan cries to daughter Lindsay about her smoking, preferring that her little cash cow stick to non-carcinogenic substance abuse. [Page Six]
• Chloe Sevigny gets haughty when View co-host Joy Behar asked about her infamous blowjob scene with Vincent Gallo in Brown Bunny. She'll do it on camera, but she won't talk about it on camera — the mark of a true lady. [R&M]
• At a dinner on Saturday night, Ellen Barkin gets the Heimlich from CAA queen Bryan Lourd while Sylvester Stallone watches on. Point: Gays. [Page Six]
• How much is an interview with the French woman who had a face transplant worth? About $500K and a trip to Disneyworld, according to her lawyers. [Lowdown]

Media Bubble: Si Newhouse Loves All His Children Equally

Jesse · 03/08/06 12:42PM

• As Fairchild is integrated into Conde Nast, portraits of the Fairchilds go, a fancy cafeteria arrives, and garlic is banned. [NYO]
Absolute mag might live again, that to Realtor William B. May. At the very least, the already-completed next issue will be distributed. Oh, and that trademark thing the Post was all worried about last week? Not a big deal, May says. [NYP (second item)]
• ABC's Bob Woodruff still has a face for TV, his brother reports. The talking for TV? Less so. [NYDN]
• Judy Miller admits she was wrong! OK, the other Judy Miller, and about moving to New York. [Romenesko]
• Maer Roshan delays your plane. [Media Mob/NYO]

Media Bubble: And If You Think You Understand His Book, He Miswrote

Jesse · 03/07/06 02:42PM

• Penguin wins auction for Alan Greenspan memoir with an offer believed to be nearly $9 million. Obligatory question: Irrationally exuberant? [NYP]
• The dude behind the allegedly forthcoming mags Everything for Men and Everything for Women is a con artist and a felon. Unlike most mag people, who are merely con artists. [WWD]
• Arthur S. holds his State of the Times meeting; reporters question why he gets paid so much and they so little. [Media Mob/NYO]
• ABC's Bob Woodruff reportedly now conscious and talking, though heavily medicated. []
• Air America could lose its New York affiliate on April 1. We'd be bummed, if we ever listened to it. [NYP]
• The Jew and the gays brought Oscar his second-worst ratings since 1987. [WP]
• Does Diane Sawyer want to anchor World News Tonight? One gossip site says so. [TMZ]
• Candace Bushnell to launch weekly Sirius Satellite Radio show giving advice to women. First piece of advice we'd like her fans to hear: "They're just cupcakes. Stop waiting on a line around the corner for them." [NYDN]
• Will Nick Sylvester be a Stephen Glass, a Mike Barnicle, or a Janet Cooke? [Media Mob/NYO]

Media Bubble: Finally, a New 'Atlantic' Editor

Jesse · 03/02/06 12:33PM

NYT's James Bennet is The Atlantic's new editor. We have nothing witty to say about this. [NYT]
• ABC anchor Bob Woodruff is making "good" progress in his recovery. No jokes here, either. [Newsday]
• Want to read early handicapping of the Pulitzer Prizes? Nor us. But someone must, right? [E&P]
• Jann Wenner shares a "hunk of meat" with Playboy CEO Christie Hefner and Time Inc. chair Ann Moore. We had no idea Matt Nye was so broadminded. [Mediaweek]
• Diversity Council's report terms Times "a newspaper at risk" on diversity issues. Hey, why should things be different on that issue than everywhere else? [Media Mob/NYO]
• Tuesday night, journalists talked about themselves. Obligatory mah-nishtanah joke here. [WWD (second item)]

Peter Jennings Owns This Block

Jessica · 02/22/06 10:07AM

In what was no doubt an emotional — yet perfectly coiffed — ceremony yesterday, the block of West 66th Street between Central Park West and Columbus was dubbed Peter Jennings Way, in honor of the late ABC News anchor who died of lung cancer last August (the block is home to ABC News' headquarters). The ceremony was quite the who's who event, with Elizabeth Vargas, Charles Gibson, Diane Sawyer, David Westin, and Mayor Bloomberg in attendance.

Media Bubble: Oh, Oh, Oh, 'Domino'

Jesse · 02/15/06 01:16PM

• Mr. Magazine says Domino was the launch of the year. Runners-up include Celebrity Living Weekly and Everyday With Rachel Ray. Which is great, because the world needed more shopping, celeb, and vanity magazines. [MIN]
The Atlantic is now safely ensconced in Washington, but it still lacks an editor. And might for some time. [NYO]
• Newspapers and magazine want to convince marketers to advertise in them. Also, the sky is still blue. [NYT]
• Diane, Charlie, and Barbara gamely go once more into the breach for God and network. [NYO]
• Viacom chief Sumner Redstone's son sues to break up the family business. Oh, those impetuous little kids. Those impetuous, 55-year-old, little kids. [NYT]

Media Bubble: Time Inc. Is Sending Pirates to Your Office

Jesse · 02/10/06 02:27PM

• Time Inc.'s young guy-geared humor site,, helmed by former Maximer Mark Golin, is slated to debut Feb. 22. Given the mag publishers track record with web ventures — Pathfinder, anyone? — we're sure the College Humor boys are terrified about the potential competition. [NYP]
• Who'd have thunk it: Cargo sells best with a hot chick on the cover. [WWD]
World News Tonight anchor Elizabeth Vargas announces she's pregnant and will deliver in late summer — this ensuring that by the eight-month mark of ABC's latest dual-anchor experiment, neither of the two anchors will be on air. []
• At least there's one winner in the recent cartoon-induced global crisis: Newsweek, who people now realize probably didn't singlehandedly incite riots with a poorly sourced sentence. [MW]

Media Bubble: More Americans Anchor the News on ABC News

Jesse · 02/01/06 02:24PM

• Now, Diane Sawyer and Charlie Gibson will take turns joining Elizabeth Vargas on World News Tonight. We really hope they can work George Stephanopoulos into that rotation, too. [NYT]
• CBS Newser John Roberts decamps for CNN. If your bosses told you they had no idea who'll be the next anchor but they're sure it won't be you, you'd leave too. [Public Eye]
• High-ranking laddie Andy Clerkson grows up and moves out. The Dennis Publishing editorial director will leave his job, summer in Montauk, have a kid, and move back to England. [WWD]
• One of the many companies that isn't buying the Observer: Reed Elsevier. [NYP (last item)]
NYO on NYT: Ric Burns to produce docu on the Gray Lady, and war gets in the way of Jill Abramson and Maureen Dowd's planned trip to Iraq. [NYO (second and third items)]

Media Bubble: Prognosis Postive for ABC Newsmen

Jesse · 01/31/06 02:56PM

• ABC anchor, cameraman show improvement after surgery. []
• Ted Koppel is a sucky op-edster, says Jack Shafer. [Slate]
• Even Dave Barry thinks newspapers are dead. [SFChron]
Daily News TV editors doesn't get Jon Stewart's jokes, care much for the guy, or, it seems, care much for Stewart's fans. What was that, Dave, about newspapers being irrelevant? [NYDN]
• Syd Schanberg has misty water-colored memories of covering Donald Trump. [VV]
• Unsurprisingly, Pinch thinks everything at the Trib is just fabulous. When you're a scion, there is no rain on your parade. [AJR]
• Live like Anna: Vogue Living is on its way. [WWD]