
Rich Juzwiak · 09/04/13 01:25PM

Aaryn Gries, the Big Brother house guest booted last week, can't be racist because she has a black friend, says her black friend. A classic defense just got more classic.

Bigoted Big Brother Contestant Gets Evicted, Confronted, Booed

Rich Juzwiak · 08/30/13 11:44AM

Earlier this summer, before Miley Cyrus became the most offensive white person ever to wield a foam hand and darting tongue, a young woman named Aaryn Gries spewed racist and homophobic bile on a trashy staple of modern life and television called Big Brother. Last night that woman was evicted by her competitors and confronted by audience jeers and a real, live Asian person whose primary function is not to cook rice or do nails, the host of Big Brother Julie Chen. Naturally, Gries' head exploded.