Jon Stewart Calls Out Those Blindly Opposed to Ground Zero Mosque

Matt Cherette · 08/11/10 12:04AM

Tonight, Jon Stewart blessed us with a "Daily Show Municipal Land-Use Hearing Update" regarding the proposed mosque (actually, Islamic cultural center) at (actually, adjacent to) Ground Zero, and sarcastically called out all of the broadcasters/pundits/etc. opposed to it. Video inside.

Man Calls 911 for Ride to Liquor Store

Max Read · 08/04/10 09:54PM

If you're too drunk to drive, it's a good idea to call a friend for a ride. It's not a good idea to call 911. Three times. For a ride to the liquor store.

Let's Give Michael Bloomberg a Hand

Jim Newell · 08/03/10 03:36PM

Occasionally, New York City's King, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, takes stands that aren't the easiest, politically. Now that Cordoba House—the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque"—will be constructed, let's give the man major credit for his rigorous defense.