
Cantillon Closes

cityfile · 06/17/09 02:47PM

William von Mueffling, the hedge funder who left Lazard in 2003 to found Cantillon Capital Management—and who had quite the run during the boom days, taking home $250-300 million in 2007—is shutting down his funds due to "ongoing turmoil in the markets," according to the Journal. Expect slightly uncomfortable conversation with Pete Peterson and Felix Rohatyn in the elevator of 810 Fifth later this evening. [WSJ, Dealbreaker]

Big Cut on Fifth, Alan Alda Sells in Sag Harbor

cityfile · 02/03/09 08:18AM

• Former Wall Street big-wig Marshall S. Cogan is re-listing his apartment at 810 Fifth Avenue. Cogan put the sixth-floor spread on the market for $40 million two months ago, but pulled the listing soon after. It's now up for sale again, although the price is now just $25.5 million. [P6, BHS]
• James Craige, a partner at Stone Harbor Investment Partners, paid $7.5 million for a four-bedroom duplex at 170 East End Avenue. [Cityfile]
Alan Alda and his wife Arlene have sold their three-bedroom home in Sag Harbor for $550,000. [Newsday]