
Human 8-Bit Music Video is Predictably Awesome

Annie Fleming · 10/13/10 06:15PM

In this video by band Hollerado, humans in a four-story structure create 8-bit moving images of things like Pong, Space Invader, and even the bass tab for the video's song. The results are full of creativity and general awesomeness.

The Biblical Story of Creation, Told as an 8-Bit Video Game

Matt Cherette · 08/30/10 02:20PM

Most people are familiar with the Bible's story of creation—you know, the "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light" one. Well, what if it was a seven-level 8-bit video game? Find out inside.

The Legend of Zelda: Not as Awesome as You Remember

Anderson Evans · 07/03/10 09:30AM

Through the years The Legend of Zelda has become an iconic video game franchise. While people still remember the first game fondly and the upcoming Skyward Sword excites the typical fanboy, there is a dark truth lurking in the shadows.

For the Love of 8-bit: A "Best of" Compilation

Zach Mack · 04/15/10 01:34PM

I have a confession to make: I love 8-bit. At a time where gaming is becoming more life like by the second, it's good to be able to go back to the simpler days of Space Invaders, Mario and Megaman.

Lego Sequencer Creates Crazy 8-Bit Beats

Frank Cozzarelli · 03/10/10 05:49PM

Japanese artist/designer Yoshi Akai has engineered a sequencer that uses Legos to manipulate sound! The Lego Sequencer MRII is a 3-channel, 8-step sequencer that creates beats that wouldn't be out of place on a Crystal Castles record.

Captain N, The Game Master: Gameboy

Anderson Evans · 02/27/10 10:30AM

Back when everything was 8-bit, kids were always happy to have something to enhance their video-gaming experience. Captain N did just that running from 1989-1991, it featured such old school Nintendo favorites as Megaman, Simon Belmont, and Metroid's Mother Brain.