This Is What Happens When You Try to Do a 360 on a Swing

Matt Cherette · 10/06/10 04:10PM

In today's edition of, "What'd you think was going to happen?" we have this: two guys help a third do a 360 on a swing, and—while the first few rotations were successful—he ends up being a human torpedo.

Texas Completely Destroyed In Tragic Event

Richard Lawson · 09/21/10 03:06PM

Yup, it just got blown away. Sorry folks, but the ratings don't lie. Also today: Tonnnns of casting news, from monster movies to sex movies to wife movies. Plus some gay Glee scuttlebutt.

5 social networks Yahoo couldn't befriend

Nicholas Carlson · 08/29/08 03:00PM

The soon-to-be-shuttered Yahoo Mash is not Yahoo's first failed social network. It's also not its second, third, or fourth. It took one whole hand for us to count Big Purple's failed attempts to get social, either through mergers or in-house development, below.