
$14 Million To Yuma

mark · 09/10/07 10:37AM

Following a slow weekend at the box office, we must ask: Have you abadoned Hollywood, or has Hollywood abandoned you? Ponder this question as you review the box office numbers:

'3:10 To Yuma' Throws A Gay Psychopath Into The Outlaw Mix

seth · 09/06/07 02:43PM

In their review of 3:10 To Yuma, AfterElton.com detects "yet another coded gay villain" amid its cast of outlaws, adding Charlie Prince to the pantheon of memorable but politically incorrect screen baddies like The Silence of the Lambs's Buffalo Bill, 300's Xerxes, and Collateral's Vincent the Hitman. As portrayed by Ben Foster, an actor best known for having played Claire's creepy bisexual art school boyfriend on Six Feet Under and X-Men: The Last Stand's winged and six-packed (read: gay) Angel, it becomes exceedingly clear from Charlie's first appearance just which gang he runs with: