
2 Girls, 1 Cup, 4 Years in Jail

Jordan Sargent · 01/17/13 07:10PM

You may have forgotten the legendary gross-out porn-turned-viral video sensation "2 Girls, 1 Cup" — which sparked a wave of "reaction videos," some of which are compiled above — but the American justice system hasn't. (Poor American justice system, too, because, man, is that video disgusting.) Yesterday, Ira Isaacs, the man behind "2 Girls, 1 Cup" (though hopefully not in that way) was sentenced to four years in prison after being convicted on five counts of felony obscenity in April 2012.

Quizno's: Taste the Poop

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/09 11:45AM

Yes, Quizno's Submarine Sandwich Shoppe is run by oven-lusting sex pervs, but guess what, Quizno's: you have crossed the line by allowing 2 Girls, 1 Cup to be associated with your sandwiches. Think, you fools.

Slate FTW

Pareene · 01/31/08 05:30PM

"Click here for a slide show about 2 Girls 1 Cup reaction videos." Jon Friedman was right! Slate is the web's only hope for decency and intelligence. [Slate, Related]

Descriptions of goatse, 2 girls 1 cup, and other gross-outs that hopefully you'll never watch

Nick Douglas · 01/04/08 05:20PM

We've all heard about "2 girls 1 cup," and a shocking amount of us have actually watched it. But for those who want to preserve their dignity while still pretending they watched this filth, here are spoilers for the Internet's top gross-outs. Under no circumstances do I recommend you actually view these videos, no matter how many other people do.