Suspect in State Trooper Shooting Texted "All Is Good" Before Attack

The AP reports the man suspected of carrying out a deadly shooting on two Pennsylvania state troopers, killing one and injuring another, texted a friend saying "all is good" before the attack.
According to court documents obtained by the Scranton Times-Tribune, a friend of Eric Frein's received a text from him at about 6:15 p.m. on Sept. 12, a few hours before the shooting occurred the Blooming Grove barracks, saying "all is good." It went on to say Frein was "heading back to Delaware" but would be back in town in a week.
Police say Frein told friends and relatives that he was working in Delaware to give himself time to prepare for the attack.
More than three weeks after the shooting, Eric Frein remains at large.
[image via AP]