Turns out the Snuggie was hiding something nefarious up its cozy blanket sleeves, and now the sham of a company is paying the ultimate price—a fine!

The FTC says parent company Allstar—tthe maker of products like the Snuggie, the Perfect Brownie Pan, and the Perfect Bacon Bowl—conned the infomercial crowd with promises of bespoke fleece and perfected foodstuffs at reasonable price points. Via the AP:

The Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday that the company, the Allstar Marketing Group, promised customers buy-one, get-one-free promotions but ended up charging higher fees. The agency said customers were led to believe they would be getting two $19.95 products for less than $10 each, but actually paid $35.85. Some customers were also sold more products than they intended to buy. The New York attorney general said one customer who wanted to buy two $19.95 Perfect Brownie Pans was charged $105 for six of them after being confused by an automated phone call.

Allstar has promised to be more clear in the future and paid an $8 million fine, the majority of which is earmarked for customer refunds, but don't wait, call now!!!!!!!!!!!

Image via Flickr. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com