Forty-eight students were killed and at least 79 were injured after a suicide bomber dressed as a student detonated during a 2,000-student school assembly at the Government Technical Science College in Potiskum, Nigeria on Monday.

Boko Haram, the Islamist militants that abducted hundreds of girls in April, are largely believed to be responsible for the attack, even though the group has not claimed responsibility for the bombing. According to the BBC's Will Ross, schools are frequently targeted by the group because of their belief that girls should not be educated and boys should only received a strict Muslim education.

"We were waiting for the principal to address us, around 7:30 a.m., when we heard a deafening sound and I was blown off my feet, people started screaming and running, I saw blood all over my body," Musa Ibrahim Yahaya, a student at the school, told the New York Times at the hospital where he was being treated for head wounds. A morgue attendant told the Times that the 48 bodies brought to the hospital appeared to be of students aged 11 to 20.

This attack exacerbates the frustration long felt by Nigerians with the state government and military for its seeming inability to prevent bombings and shootings—the Times reports a suicide bomb killed 30 people in the city just a week ago.

[Image via AP]