Reince Priebus

Drosophilia Melanogaster

The Conjoined Librarians of Yatgamein

Blart Effington

Tony Stark

Targetarius Walmarte

Aenid Tram

Gouieforn Laanyardbreath

The Volar Portex

Ho'cken me Ha'chinik

The Splinters of Bannister

Little Lord Fuckpants

Valdeón Butifarra

The Douche of Bros

Vulgaris Luncheonmeat

Uniqlo Slacktrouser

The Rainboughtaster of Skittle

Ronaldd McDdonalddd

Raytheon Defensecontract

Greyhoundibus The Slow

Visine of Redeye

Cronut Cragle

Kombucha Diarrhaeus

The Princess Hernia

Gowanus Groupon

Eddard Edwaard Edddd-Edarrrd Edddddd-d IV

Prince Rebar

Larry Throne

Latitudinus Longitudian

Lady Mentos

Bjorn Gameboy

Lord & Lady As;ldkfjasdlkj of QWERTY

Geoffrey Toysrus

Trichinosis Paltrowe

Bumless Princepants

Jon Snowballs

Jon Wintry Mix

Jon Sleet With a Chance of Freezing Rain

Jon Slush, The Cursed in Shoe

Aeron Chairingtonianeinianeon

Propecia Adderall

Plantar of Fasciitis

Croctaileon Batali

Dubious Clickbait

[Image by Jim Cooke, source photo via HBO]