Young people are bad at voting, but very good at boozing. So what's one reliable way to get them to the polls? The promise of a free drink.

According to, members of the University of Alabama's Chi Omega chapter received an email that not only encouraged them to vote for two UA alums separately running in yesterday's Tuscaloosa City Board of Education race, but also offered the sorority women free drinks, limo rides (hummer-limos, if you believe the photo), and "points" in whatever horrible internal Panhellenic system awards Chi O sisters credit for not being goddamn boners. reports:

"In a list that was e-mailed to me this weekend, y'all are the only [members] registered in the specific district that are allowed to vote," the email states. "Cason Kirby, a past SGA president of the University of Alabama is running for the City Board of Education, and Lee Garrison a UA Alum is also running."

"They would really appreciate/need your vote to win this election. It's going to be really tight, and it is SO IMPORTANT that they get the Greek Vote. I told both of them that I would do my best to make sure that I got every Chi O that was registered to the polls. There is a big incentive for you going as well!!"

Man, sorority girls are THE BEST email stylists!! Anyway:

The email goes on to list five "incentives," including that both the sorority and individuals who vote would receive points to go toward UA's Panhellenic and the sorority's in-house point systems, which reward participation within the system.

In addition, the author states "they rented out Innisfree and Moe's" — two downtown Tuscaloosa bars — and wristbands good for one free drink at each venue and free cover would be made available to members who showed an "I Voted" sticker to the sorority representative.

Alcohol turns out to be a very good incentive: Both Cason Kirby and Lee Garrison won by slim margins in yesterday's election.

[image by Shutterstock]

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