'Sorcerer' Helps Women Get Over Bad Breakups By Sleeping With Them

A man claiming to be a sorcerer with magical healing powers was arrested this week after he allegedly convinced at least one woman that she had to have sex with him in order to get over a bad breakup.
According to police in Tel Aviv, the unnamed 39-year-old was paid thousands of shekels for a series of "magical treatments" aimed at helping the victim recover from being dumped by her boyfriend.
The story began six months ago, police said, when the woman found the 39-year-old Golan Heights resident on the Internet and asked him to help her with holistic treatment to recover from emotional despair caused by the break-up. Over the coming months the man held a number of meetings with the woman, during which he promised that through the power of sorcery he could make her boyfriend come back to her.
It was during one of those sessions that the man reportedly informed the woman that she had to sleep with him "in order to make the magic work."
He was arrested this past Sunday and charged with sexual assault.
An investigation has since been launched to find other victims of the man's "magic," as well as other "sorcerers" employing similar tactics to exploit desperate women.
In an odd twist made slightly less so by the rest of this story, the victim was also held for questioning by police after it was revealed that she had asked the wizard to beat up her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend.
Police have placed the woman under house arrest on suspicion of conspiring to cause someone bodily harm.