Perma-perturbed celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay says his big London restaurant opening was sabotaged this weekend when someone booked up the dining room with fake reservations.

Ramsay told an interviewer he became his own Kitchen Nightmares guest when a rival chef booked 100 of the 140 tables at his new restaurant, leaving the dining room empty on its opening night. (To be fair, this is also what someone might say if people just didnt show up.)

He says he blames the haters jealous of him, scowling celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, explaining his staff hadn't been confirming reservations beforehand.

"I think there's all that level of envy. Saturday was our first big day, we had 140 on the books and we had a 100 no show. So someone would have been on a computer," he told TV host Jonathan Ross.

Ramsay didn't say who he thinks the rival saboteur was, which means he's not-not saying the 100 reservations were all booked for Amy and Samy Bouzaglo, party of 2.

[h/t Grubstreet, image via AP]