Some wealthy guy—could be anyone, but I'm going to assume Chris Christie until proven otherwise—recently threw down $300,000 for a carb-loaded Bruce Springsteen experience.

The day-long affair was auctioned off at a benefit Wednesday and begins with a guitar lesson from Bruce, which—all things considered—is pretty dope. But then things get kind of weird.

According to the AP, the Boss will then drive the lucky winner around beautiful New Jersey in his motorcycle sidecar, and hopefully it is Chris Christie, because that is just a delightful image.

Rolling Stone also reports the sidecar trip was the most popular portion of the package, inspiring two bidders to throw in an extra $50,000. Which makes sense—if you're rich enough to drop a quarter of a million on lasagna, why not also make Bruce Springsteen your chauffeur?

Finally, Springsteen and his charitable friend will retire to Springsteen's home for the much-hyped lasagna dinner. (It's not clear from the auction materials whether dinner will be homemade or microwave.) And then what? Bruce begins exaggeratedly yawning? The winner holds out for dessert until Bruce politely asks him to leave? Chris, c'mon man it's late. You're not too drunk to go home, my driver will take you.

And as it turns out, there are a lot of people trying to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a sidecar ride: Bruce reportedly auctioned off his $300,000 pretend friendship to at least two fans, who may or may not be Chris Christie and Chris Christie wearing a pair of fake-nose glasses.

[h/t AV Club, image via AP]