[There was a video here]

An insane half-hour interview transpired recently when rapper Charles Hamilton walked by a spot on Harlem's 125th Street where someone was filming for the YouTube channel SaNeter.TV. Hamilton was apparently flagged down and had a lot to say about Sonic the Hedgehog, Interscope president Jimmy Iovine, Kanye West, Drake, and homosexuality.

Hamilton, who was signed with Interscope a few years ago but never got an album out (despite multiple tries), should be more famous than he is. The guy can talk. When asked about homosexuality in hip-hop, he did not give the answers we've come to expect. Instead, he explained that the secret of the success "a few reputable artists" have enjoyed:

It's called African child pornography...A few reputable artists...they have been infected with AIDS and they take...the myth is you take an African baby boy and you sodomize them and you pass your AIDS onto them and you take their innocence and they keep on walking. So the fresher the rapper, the dirtier the art...Except Drake!

Ah, at last straightsplaining about gays preying on children gets injected with magic and breathes new life.

Here are a few other things Hamilton said during this interview:

  • "The Bible is a spell and the death of Jesus is a curse."
  • "I take a European approach to Wicca. Very European."
  • "Jimmy Iovine is the closest thing we've got to god on this earth"
  • "There's an article saying [Kanye West] summoned a 14th century philosopher for Yeezus. I mean…as long as you acknowledge the power of magic. If Kanye West acknowledges the power of magic, I'll ease up on him"
  • "I believe Drake is an alien."
  • "I also find the blackest black man in existence to be Bobby Caldwell, the man who wrote 'What You Won't Do For Love.'" [Note: Bobby Caldwell is white.]
  • "I believe in the funk, but I'm gothic."

He also smokes weed during this interview. Cool. Talky is how I get too when I'm "like that."

Hamilton's extended musings on Sonic the Hedgehog are not to be missed ("I bow before Sonic the Hedgehog," he says). Here they are in their entirety:

[There was a video here]

The entire interview should also be experienced and you can watch that below. Make sure to stay around to hear the guy holding the camera/asking the questions (whom Complex says is Sa Neter himself) call Jesus Christ a "faggot" during the video's final moments. A good time was had and, more importantly, provided by all.