The relationship between the United States and the strongest country in Europe continues its downward plunge: Asked about the ongoing investigation by Germany into U.S. spying, NSA leaker Edward Snowden said he would be willing to assist and provide clarification about leaked documents that have already proved disastrous to the diplomatic standing of the U.S. in Germany.

"I hope that when the difficulties of this humanitarian situation have been resolved, I will be able to cooperate in the responsible finding of fact regarding reports in the media, particularly in regard to the truth and authenticity of documents," Snowden wrote in a letter that was given to German lawmaker Hans-Christian Stroebele.

Stroebele met with Snowden on Thursday in an undisclosed location in Moscow, as Germany continues its investigation. If convinced of the authenticity of the documents, German officials could explore the possibility of criminal charges against NSA spies, as spying from within German territory is illegal.

In the letter, which was addressed to both the German parliament and the public prosecutor, Snowden wrote that he looks "forward to speaking with you in your country when the situation is resolved." Snowden is not allowed to leave Russia as per the terms of his temporary visa. If he were to ever attempt to travel to Germany, then the true strength of the U.S.- German relationship would be tested as Snowden tried to avoid extradition.

His lawyer however, doesn't think this bars him from testifying to against the U.S. "Within the framework of international agreements Snowden can give testimony in Russia but this should be decided by the German authorities," Anatoly Kucherena told a Russian radio station.

Snowden, who is now exploring job opportunities in Russia, would also like an opportunity to testify about spying in front of the U.S. congress.

"He said first up he would prefer to lay the facts on the table in front of the US Congress, in front of a committee of the US Congress and explain," Stroebele told reporters after meeting with Snowden. "Mr Snowden didn't appear to me as anti-American or an enemy of America or some such, but quite the opposite."