The first question for Victoria Jackson—Saturday Night Live alum, candidate for county commissioner—was about traffic improvements. "I don't know all of the specific details, she said, "but I'm worried about my country and so I jumped into the local government to try to help save it from socialism."

Jackson, the ditzy blonde caricature turned nutty rightwing Tea Party caricature, was clearly a bit out of her element talking county transportation policy at a Q&A for candidates in Williamson County, Tennessee, where she moved last year with her "police officer husband" to escape urban America and its creeping sharia communism. Nevertheless, she stumbled through an answer, which formed her first campaign video: "I don't know, I'm not an expert on highways. I guess widening a road is a good way to make cars go on it?"

Alas, Jackson's anti-communist crusade was savagely cut short yesterday by the radical leftist voters of Williamson County, who opted for overwhelmingly for two incumbent conservative women—not conservative enough for Jackson.

"I want to represent tea party constitutional conservative values, which I see lacking in the Capitol on fighting Common Core and Agenda 21," Jackson had said in her summation. On her website, she called Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam—a pro-life budget-cutting Republican—"the Progressive (Communist) who supports Common Core."

Also, Saul Alinsky:

Also, Islam:

And Islamization:

Voters, however, apparently want to let socialist sharia's creeping march continue into Williamson County infrastructure zoning. Via the Tennessean:

Jackson received 632 votes, losing out to Judy Lynch Herbert, with 1,422 votes, and Betsy Hester, with 1,380 votes.

Jackson offered an interesting collection of post-election reactions on her blog:

My first reaction? Hmmm. Well, I don't really like numbers, and Commissioners mostly talk about numbers, the budget...

My concern for Judy and Betsy is that they are not informed about Agenda 21 and Common Core and its ramifications on local government. The big picture. I think they've been living in the Williamson County bubble and are not aware that the Obama Administration and the fast-moving lunge toward socialism in our country has begun to erase our freedoms, even here. As their annoying constituent, I will try to share my knowledge and research with them, so they can make wise choices.

She summed up with a concession prayer, in lieu of the traditional speech:

My concession speech is this;

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your abundant blessings and your mercy. Please forgive our country and me for not honoring and obeying you. We seek your face. Help us turn from our wicked ways. Please heal our country. Please give us a revival. Please awaken your church. We are losing America. Our children are attacked by immorality in culture, TV, and our bad example. We are lost and blind. We need you. You alone, great and only God, Jehovah can save us. Please hear our plea. Our enemies are on every side. Our leaders are corrupt. Please expose their evil schemes and confuse them. Please replace our corrupt leaders with men who love and obey you. Please protect Israel. Please protect our military. Please give us wisdom. In my small part of the world, please give our elected and appointed officials wisdom to keep us from harm. Please protect us from our enemies within and without. Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. That is a concept so amazing we can hardly comprehend it.

In Jesus name,


See you in '16, Vicki. In the meantime, thanks for the videos.