Cameron Dallas is a 20-year-old set of abdominal muscles and one of the 10 most popular people on Vine. (He is also a close friend of Nash Grier, an even more famous Viner.) Dallas was reportedly arrested for vandalism Wednesday after allegedly throwing paint all over his Hollywood apartment and the adjacent hallway.

Officers arrived in the afternoon after reports of a loud party, but didn't hear any noise coming from the apartment, and left. They finally noticed something was up that evening when Dallas, who frequently vines himself throwing stuff off his sixth-floor balcony, allegedly chucked a can of paint that almost hit a woman walking below, TMZ reported:

"Cops arrived and discovered the entire apartment, along with everyone inside it, spattered with paint. Someone also hurled hue in the hallway."

Dallas was released at 1:30 a.m. Thursday on $20,000 bail, and claimed on Twitter that he did it for the Vine:

In a broadcast on the YouNow account of his buddy Bryant Eslava, a shirtless (as usual) Dallas ramblingly told his side of the story:

"I got arrested for paint!—my hair is so long, dude," he began, "So we filmed a video for Kian [Lawley]'s channel, and it involved paint. We were playing a game with paint. We were like, covered in paint. Paint, all over, covered. Kian's face looked like he was mining a coal."

"All of a sudden we hear a [makes knocking sound]. It's the police. So we open the door, and the cop goes 'you need to step outside.'"

Dallas claims the officer told him and his friends that they were being detained as part of an investigation for battery, for allegedly throwing the paint that almost hit the woman, which Dallas says they didn't actually do.

Dallas says he and a friend who was filming the encounter were handcuffed and taken to the precinct, where they sat for six hours before anyone talked to him—and that their other paint-covered friends were arrested when they arrived to bail them out.

"We didn't get charged for battery, because no one threw anything and no one got hurt," he said, adding that paint only got on the hallway wall because cops pushed the paint-covered dudes up against it.

"I saw the thing on TMZ—no one threw a paint can. No one got hurt." he said.

Dallas's theory is that the officers were upset because he initially refused to let them into his apartment. He says the paint covering his apartment is washable, and he was going to clean it up anyway.

[h/t Gossip Cop, Photo: Bryant Teslava/YouNow]