A Florida man has been charged with misdemeanor simple battery and probation violation after allegedly throwing a slice of pizza at his roommate during an argument about (quite possibly the same) pizza, The NY Daily News reports.

According to The Smoking Gun, an unspecified “argument about pizza” brought authorities in Treasure Island, Florida to the home of 50-year-old Daniel Plunkett on Wednesday. From TBO.com:

Plunkett’s roommate, Brenda Fiejdasz, and another witness told police that Plunkett came out of his room and had an argument with Fiejdasz about pizza before throwing the slice and striking her left hand, according to the criminal complaint.


Plunkett denied throwing the pizza and said that Fiejdasz threw pizza on him. The complaint states that Plunkett was shirtless and had sauce on his chest.

“THE PIZZA WAS HOT,” notes the police report, “VICTIM HAD NO INJURY.”

[Image via Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office//h/t Death and Taxes]