A ship heading for Malaysia was intercepted by the Bangladeshi Navy on Monday, officials said, after it was discovered that the ship was harboring over 600 trafficking victims. It was then directed to the port of Chittagong by Tuesday night.

The ship, which was reportedly flying the flag of Myanmar, was carrying Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar and impoverished Bangladeshis, who were being trafficked to Malaysia for work.

Via the New York Times:

Many Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar and impoverished Bangladeshis risk the journey in hopes of earning money overseas. During the first 10 months of this year, the Bangladeshi Coast Guard intercepted and detained 900 trafficking victims.

"These are poor people, and they travel in inhuman conditions, on top of each other," said M. Mashric Ur Rahim, a Coast Guard commander.

According to a report in Reuters, fourteen crew members were detained.

[Image via AP]