It's been a few weeks since the last "Shia LaBeouf gets in a bar fight with some random dude" story, so a new one was bound to surface.

And so it has.

According to the British tabloids, LaBeouf was dining at a "chic restaurant bar" in London's Covent Garden district recently, when he was approached by an adoring female fan.

It's unknown what LaBeouf said to the woman (or if he just stared her down), but she was later seen walking away in tears.

The Sun of Sunday reports that her boyfriend then confronted LaBeouf, and that a "tussle" ensued.

At one point Shia was said to have threatened the boyfriend, telling him, "I can get you killed."

A source who spoke with The Sun called the alleged altercation "shocking," and said Shia "looked out of control."

The entire affair reportedly ended with LaBeouf getting kicked out of the bar by staff members.

Back in October, LaBeouf was rumored to have "tussled" with another bloke outside a London nightclub after he refused to stop recording footage of two girls vomiting.

LaBeouf is currently across the pond shooting David Ayer's aptly named WWII action-drama film Fury.

[photo via Getty]