Jeremy Meeks, the former gang member known variously around these parts as "sexy mugshot guy," "fine felon," and "Dreamy McMugshot," may not actually have a modeling contract, but he did Blue Steel and Magnum his way through his day in court Tuesday.

There's good news and bad news for Meeks, who appeared in an orange jumpsuit rather than the civilian clothes his attorney reportedly requested.

The good: Originally facing multiple charges of weapons possession and "street terrorism," Meeks is now only charged with one count of "Felon in possession of a firearm." The bad: It's now a federal charge, carrying a potential prison term of 10 years and a $250,000 fine.

A spokesman for the San Joaquin County DA's office said that turning gun charges over to federal prosecutors leads to longer sentences, Sacramento news station KXTV reported.

Meeks had a gun in his trunk when he was swept up as part of a multiagency gang crackdown, but says he's no longer part of a gang.

The fine felon is now headed for federal custody, so unless his multiple agents can work some magic, these are the last new photos we'll be seeing of him for a while. And we almost didn't get these: Meeks' defense attorney, Tai Bogan, originally asked the judge to bar cameras from the courtroom.

[H/T WaPo, Photos: Getty Images]