We get tips. Lots of them. Sometimes Gawker features editor Tom Scocca responds to them. These conversations are memorialized here in an occasional feature we call Tom Tips Back.

To: Gawker Tips

From: Bernadette [REDACTED]

Date: Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:27 AM

Subject: Filthy rap video girl is teaching pre-K children at [REDACTED] School in NY

Dear Gawker,

I wanted to bring to your attention a disturbing tip.

[REDACTED] who lives in New York and teaches Pre-K for [REDACTED] School in Brooklyn starred half naked in a rap video called "Pussy Breath" with the duaghters of Dan Aykroid and Dan Libeskind and some other B-movie actresses. Gawker wrote about it a few yrs ago. I just found your article.

I'm pretty sure the school would love to know who's teaching their kindergarden class. and it's crazy that they didn't check her out before putting her in charge of little kids. Can they spell lawsuit? I have a duaghter and I would be absolutely terrified to know this is who's in charge of my kid all day.

The video is still available at ebaumsworld, you just have to google it. I have several screen caps that show her face pretty clearly and also her LinkedIn photo. I showed my friend who had her son in her class and she was horrified and almost puked! Her kid has severe allergies and we can't believe this lady was put in charge of him.

I can assure you this information is all true because she bragged about the video multiple times with friends, me present, since she's in it with duaghters of Dan Aykroid and Daniel Libeskind.

I'm emailing you because I think private schools that cost an arm and a leg should check who they hire.

To: Bernadette [REDACTED]

From: Tom Scocca

Date: Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 8:34 AM

Subject: Filthy rap video girl is teaching pre-K children at [REDACTED] School in NY

Is your friend's son allergic to pussy? Otherwise I'm not 100 percent following the logic here.

This has been Tom Tips Back.