Better safe than sorry, Seth Rogen and James Franco have cancelled all of their press appearances relating to their embattled North Korean comedy The Interview due to threats of 9/11-esque violence from the group that hacked Sony, BuzzFeed reports. And BuzzFeed would know, because the actors pulled out of an appearance at BuzzFeed Brews today.

The hackers, who are trying really hard to convince everyone they're North Korean, have successfully backed up their threats to release heaps of confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment documents if SPE went through with the release of The Interview. Now they've escalated to threats of real-world terrorism, advising theatergoers to see The Interview at their own risk.

The movie opens on Christmas. The hackers' note specifically threatened the premiere—although that already happened last week. At the event, Rogen declined interviews, and told The Hollywood Reporter "being pursued by a reporter at the premiere was the only time he'd "felt 'insecure in months.'"

Along with the BuzzFeed event, Variety reports Rogen has dropped his scheduled Thursday appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, but both he and Franco will still be at the New York special screening of The Interview that day.

[h/t BuzzFeed]