Jay Hart, a striker for semi-pro British soccer team Clitheroe, was cut from the squad after he was caught on video having sex with a fan in the dugout while still wearing his team warmups, the Mirror reports. The incident took place after an away game versus Mossley AFC. Every detail reported is more embarrassing than the last:

Clitheroe lost the game 4-1, making Hart a losing player banging a supporter in the opponent’s stadium. On Ladies Night, a promotion the home team had been running to encourage more female fans to attend.

Oh, and Hart is a relationship. His girlfriend, Bryony Hibbert, who is also the mother of his two children, is not especially happy that he was caught in flagrante with an apparent rando and is now out of a job.

“Have a bit of decency for the people it’s affected. Thank god my kids are too young to read,” Hibbert wrote on the team’s Facebook page, according to the Mirror.

Hope he’s got a great excuse. Maybe something about how he regrets getting caught and he’s sorry anyone could see him?

“I’m full of regret. I’d had a couple of drinks. I was away from everyone and thought I was hidden.”

Nailed it.

After an extensive, unsuccessful search for the sex tape, all I’m able to bring you at this time is what is purportedly the sound of Jay Hart banging a fan in an opposing team’s dugout for 17 seconds.

And this photo, to give you a sex face to go with all that heavy breathing:

Any more than that should be unnecessary, but if you happen to be part of one of the British WhatsApp circles where the video has reportedly been circulating, please send it to us. tips@gawker.com.

[h/t Screamer, Photo: Jay Hart/Twitter]