Selfless J.K. Rowling Takes Responsibility for Rupert Murdoch
When last we left Rupert Murdoch, he was tweeting wrong, bigoted things about Egyptians. Now, he is tweeting wrong, bigoted things about Muslims! ("Moslems," actually.) The world is just so full of things to be wrong about. Thankfully though, J.K. Rowling has stepped in to restore balance.
On Friday, Murdoch went on a tear:
Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) January 10, 2015
Big jihadist danger looming everywhere from Philippines to Africa to Europe to US. Political correctness makes for denial and hypocrisy.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) January 10, 2015
Moslems? Moslems. Also: "Big jihadist danger." Big!
Still, as idiotic as Murdoch's position is, it's still not as fringe a perspective as it deserves to be. Indeed, it seems to be the default view of cranky old white men across the (ostensibly vast) political spectrum! Funny how that happens.
Anyway, J.K. Rowling stepped in this morning to turn that argument on its head.
I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I'll auto-excommunicate.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 11, 2015
.@dom209 The Spanish Inquisition was my fault, as is all Christian fundamentalist violence. Oh, and Jim Bakker.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 11, 2015
.@peeyushmalhotra Eight times more Muslims have been killed by so-called Islamic terrorists than non-Muslims.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 11, 2015
[Photo credit: AP Images]