Not every scene from George R.R. Martin's immense A Song of Ice and Fire series can be filmed for Game of Thrones. Something has to be cut, even if it's something Martin himself really likes.

This exchange between Sansa and Arya Stark, put together from Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams' auditions for the show, appeared in book one but never made it to the screen. It's a perfect example of what Martin was arguing for when he advocated extending the show's seasons to a full 13 episodes, so "we could include smaller scenes that we had to cut, scenes that make the story deeper and richer."

Martin's editor also recently announced that the author may extend his already-sprawling fantasy epic from seven books to eight—which would've delighted fans if they weren't being tortured by the wait for book six, the partially-completed Winds of Winter.

Does anyone else suspect that Martin just wants all this extra room to fit in more descriptions of food?

[H/T Vanity Fair]