Scottie Pippen, NBA hall of famer and the Drake to Michael Jordan’s Jay Z (source: Drake) has a 20-year-old daughter, Sierra. Sierra attends the University of Iowa, which is located near the Iowa City Sheraton Hotel. That is where Sierra, allegedly drunk, urinated on a lobby floor.

When police arrived at the hotel early Sunday morning, Pippen’s speech was slurred, she smelled of alcohol, and she was off-balance, according to an arrest report obtained by The Smoking Gun. The arresting officers add that she was wearing two bar wristbands and refused to take a sobriety test, instead accusing them of being racist. And of course, that whole peeing on the floor thing.

She was charged with public urination and public intoxication, and posted $500 bond.

There was apparently already some bad blood between Sierra and the Iowa City Sheraton staff: she was also arrested at the hotel for public intoxication two weeks prior, after getting into a “verbal altercation” with security. Could this be a revenge pissing? The police report declines to speculate.

On Twitter, Sierra notes, “Im More Than Scottie Pippen’s daughter. Im Me Sierra Pippen:)“

Scottie Pippen did not allegedly pee on the floor. :)

Sierra did. Her. Sierra Pippen. :(

She is her own person.

[Photo: Iowa City PD]