School to Dreaded White Girl on “Spiritual Journey”: Hell No

Caycee Cunningham, an 8th grader at Lincoln Academy in Utah, would like for you to respect her right to wear dreadlocks.
According to FOX 13, Cunningham studied abroad in Guatemala and, upon her return, she “grew dreadlocks as part of what she calls a spiritual journey in her Hindu beliefs.” But Lincoln Academy, which has a dress code policy that prohibits unnatural hair colors and distracting styles, asked Cunningham to remove her dreads.
Cunningham’s mother, Tonya Judd, claims this is a case of racial discrimination.
“My daughter is white and there happens to be other kids in the school who happen to be other race and ethenticity [sic] and they have hair that can’t be combed, and there’s never been an issue regarding that before.”
Judd, who says Lincoln Academy is preventing her daughter’s right to religious freedom, plans to transfer Cunningham to another school if they are unable to reach an agreement.
Where Cunningham and Judd believe this to be a case involving one’s religious rights, others might interpret it as cultural appropriation or a silly teenage experiment.
Here’s an idea: Cunningham should ask herself, “What would Rachel Dolezal do?”—then do the opposite of that.
You can watch the video below.
[There was a video here]