A math class at an upstate New York high school has inadvertently stumbled upon what may very well be the scandal of the century: Nabisco's "Double Stuf Oreos" don't actually contain a double helping of stuff.

"Consumer Math" teacher Dan Anderson of Queensbury has been tasked with helping struggling students in get a better grasp of the material. And what better incentive than Oreos?

Anderson came up with a hands-on activity he thought his students would enjoy: Determining whether Double Stuf Oreos truly deliver on the promise of double the iconic creme.

After weighing 10 Double Stuf cookies both with and without their chocolate wafers, the class plugged the numbers into mathematical equations and came up with the horrifying truth: Double Stuf Oreos were only 1.86 times larger than regular Oreos.

A similar experiment conducted on the recently introduced Mega Stuf Oreos determined that those were just 2.68 times larger than the regular variety — not so "mega" after all.

A Nabisco spokeswoman denied Anderson's claims, saying the Double Stuf Cookie does indeed contain "double the Stuf, or creme filling, when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie."

But it's hard to argue with QED, which Anderson posted in full on his personal blog.

[image via Nabisco, Dan Anderson]