Quelle horreur: Saudi King Salman and his royal entourage are reportedly causing major drama in the French Riviera.

This week the drama king and 1,000 of his closest employees, friends and employee-friends descended on the seaside town of Vallauris for a three-week vacation that has locals saying he’s definitely not there for the right reasons.

Seems Salman, who says he doesn’t like drama and yet causes it wherever he goes, is converting a public beach to his own private, elevator-accessible sandbox for the duration of his trip. Via the Telegraph:

An entire kilometre of public beach will be cordoned off for security and privacy reasons and coastguards will stop anyone coming within 300 metres of the villa by sea.

The Saudis also generated a great deal of anger by starting work on an elevator from the beach to the villa, which involved pouring a huge slab of cement directly on to the sand.

But as King Salman always says, I assume,In Atlanta, money and class do give you power.” And also, “I’m the king and I do what I want.”

But residents are about ready to scream.

“We’re sick and tired of this messing around,” a local woman tells the Telegraph. “I can see it’s normal that you need to guarantee their security but they should let us go for a swim.”

What a diva!

Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.