A Thai satellite captured images of about 300 large objects in Flight 370's search zone, less than 130 miles from the area where a French satellite spotted 122 "potential objects" earlier this week.

Thai officials announced the find on Thursday, three days after the satellite took the images; the photos required two days of processing, according to Anond Snidvongs, the director of Thailand's space technology development agency.

"We detected floating objects, perhaps more than 300," Snidvongs told Reuters. "We have never said that the pieces are part of MH370 but have so far identified them only as floating objects."

Ranging in length from six to 53 feet, the objects are approximately the same size as those spotted by a French satellite on Sunday.

The discovery is just the latest lead in the search for the the missing plane, which authorities believe crashed in the southern Indian Ocean about 1,600 miles off the coast of Perth, Australia.

Poor weather has delayed the search for much of the week; all 11 planes searching were called back in on Thursday, though five ships continued in the area. Before the planes were called back, eight spent "maybe two hours" over the search area but didn't find any debris, according to Australian Maritime Safety Authority spokesman Sam Cardwell.

"They got a bit of time in, but it was not useful because there was no visibility," he told the Associated Press.

[Image via AP]