Sarah Hyland, star of ABC sitcom Modern Family, has filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend, claiming that he was physically and verbally abusive to her and once threatened to set her house on fire.

In court documents obtained by TMZ, Hyland claims that, over the course of four years, her ex-boyfriend Matthew Prokop physically and verbally assaulted her.

Via TMZ:

According to the docs, Prokop — an actor who once appeared on "Modern Family" — pinned Hyland against a car during an argument about her outfit back in May and unleashed hell ... calling her "c**t, c**t, c**t" and choking her.

Hyland says in the docs, "His grip was so tight that I could not breathe or speak. I was scared and in fear for my life."

Hyland also claims in the suit that she enlisted her Modern Family co-star, Julie Bowen, to held her break up with Prokop, who allegedly responded by throwing a lighter at Hyland and threatening to set her house on fire.

After the Hyland finally broke it off with Prokop, she alleges that he then bombarded her with "vile, threatening and emotionally disturbing texts and voice mails including his own suicide threats."

A judge has since granted Hyland's request for a temporary restraining order, requiring Prokop to stay 100 yards away from Hyland at all times.

[Image via AP]