The stars were out for Sunday's Wimbledon final between Djokovic and Federer. The match was attended by various celebrities who acted totally normal, including Hugh Jackman, Bradley Cooper, and Chris Hemsworth. Cut to: Samuel L. Jackson and Victoria Beckham, seated awkwardly next to one another.

Although they have to be familiar with each other's work, Posh Spice seemed a little bit shy about introducing herself, resulting in one of the most uncomfortable scenes ever posted to Vine:

Can't Samuel L. Jackson just watch some motherfuckin' tennis in peace?

It probably wasn't quite as bad as it looked, though. Here's another photo that apparently shows Jackson chatting freely with Posh and Becks.

Unless he's delivering Julius's monologue from Pulp Fiction—which he still knows by heart—we didn't actually just witness the beginning of an unlikely celebrity beef.

Update: Jackson confirms: Not awkward. (That Vine is still priceless, though.)

[H/T BuzzFeed, Photos: AP Images]