A Rutgers student was arrested for attempted murder on Saturday after police say the man removed his clothing and stabbed a classmate in the neck under the influence of LSD, the Associated Press reports.

Authorities say they found 22-year-old Kevin Huang "naked and pacing" when they arrived at the apartment where the stabbing occurred early Saturday morning.

According to a witness, Huang and 23-year-old Andrew Kim had taken LSD earlier in the evening when Huang suddenly became violent, got naked and started to destroy the apartment. After leaving to get help, the witness reportedly returned to find Kim bleeding from the neck.

While detaining Huang, police allegedly observed a large amount cash and drugs in the apartment, ultimately finding "15 pounds of marijuana, approximately 500 bars of Xanax, a significant amount of cocaine, other unidentified pills and crystals" after securing a search warrant.

[Image via AP Images]