After Sean Hannity canceled Russell Brand's scheduled appearance on his show, Brand showed up to Fox News anyway, to film an episode of his web show The Trews. As he was standing outside the building, laying into Hannity and Bill O'Reilly for perpetuating Islamophobia, he ended up in a confrontation with security—all caught on camera.

Be-suited security officers told Brand he couldn't film on the sidewalk, because "the building" owns it, so he went inside and asked if he could take tour of Hannity's studio and "touch some stuff." His request was denied.

But there's plenty of time to deal with Fox in a future phase of Brand's revolution.

"We'll run this building one day," Brand concluded. "And then, you know, we'll share it."

Sean Hannity has a standing invitation to appear on The Trews. It seems unlikely he'll accept, but it would be entertaining as hell.

[h/t Uproxx]