Robin Williams' widow and children have been fighting over his personal belongings in a contentious legal battle for months, the New York Times reports.

According to the Times, Williams—who committed suicide on Aug. 11—left the majority of his estate to his three children from previous marriages, Zak, Zelda and Cody Williams. He also left them "clothing, jewelry, personal photos taken prior to his marriage to Susan," and his "memorabilia and awards in the entertainment industry."

A second trust gave Susan Schneider Williams—his wife of three years—the couple's home in Tiburon, California, some of the personal property within the home, and money for "all costs related to the residence."

Now Susan is in court claiming that third provision should be construed to cover "all expenses associated with daily upkeep as well as unexpected renovations and improvements"—money that would come out of the children's share.

In the meantime, Williams' children claim, Susan has refused to allow them to collect the personal belongings left to them in the will, challenged the trust's definition of certain words, and started expensive renovations on her home. Via the Times:

Her lawyers say in the court papers that, in September, she was given only three days' notice by the trustees of the main trust of their intention to remove home items they believed had been bequeathed to the children.

Mrs. Williams, asserting that she "became frightened of the co-trustees invading her home," blocked their access.

The children countered that Mrs. Williams has continued to block their access to the Tiburon home, even as she has allowed others inside. Those others included appraisers who estimated the value of items that the children contend are rightfully theirs and workers who helped design and complete a $30,000 renovation, the court papers contend.

TMZ reports they're also fighting over whether the definition of "jewelry" includes watches.

Susan's lawyer told the Times her requests were like "a bucket of water in a lake" compared to the estimated $50 million estate. Williams' children say she is "adding insult to a terrible injury."

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