Fucked-up timeline notwithstanding, the most frustrating element of HBO's true-crime documentary series The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst was that we never got to see Durst in the drag he donned while hiding from Jeanine Pirro in Galveston, Texas. You know that whatever he looked like while impersonating a woman, it was an amazing sight to behold.

We still don't have a picture, but today we are a little closer to envisioning Durst as his female alter ego, Dorothy Ciner, thanks to Clair E. Schuler, who claims she was Durst's drag mother.

In an interview with the New York Post, Schuler says Durst's initial attempt at drag was straight-up booger:

He literally smeared blue eyeshadow and red lipstick on and called it a day. He wore a nasty, ratty wig. I think he was just trying to be more inconspicuous than noticeable. It didn’t work.

Sounds right to me. Eventually Schuler "taught Durst how to play up his killer, baby-blue eyes with brown eyeshadow and to contour his cheeks to look less masculine."

Schuler reports that Durst was popular at the local drag bar, but not because he was such a sparkling conversationalist:

We knew he was a good tipper, so we paid a little more attention to him. He tipped us really well, like 10, 20 dollar bills when we were doing our shows.

Tipped them all, of course.

[Image via AP]