Robert De Niro, in town filming his forthcoming movie The Intern, reportedly just joined some unsuspecting World Cup fans at their home in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn to watch the U.S.-Germany match.

Business Insider reports that Warner Bros. initially emailed a different residence in the neighborhood to ask whether De Niro could stop by and catch the game:

"Our lead actor, Robert DeNiro, would very much like to watch the World Cup game, today at 12p," the email said. "Would it be possible to place a small portable satellite on the building rooftop ASAP and run a cable to the street to help facilitate this request?"

Those people were denied the legendary actor's presence, however, when he found a World Cup party already in progress. The unnamed resident told BI: "We got another email from a neighbor saying he talked to the crew and apparently he found a house of people watching it and joined them."

Were you there? Know someone who was? Let us know in the comments.

[Image via AP]