This Fourth of July, while revelers were distracted by a fireworks display over the East River in New York City, smart bank robbers took the opportunity to saw a giant hole in a bank roof on the Lower East Side and steal some cash. After all, no one was watching.

According to a report by the New York Post, the robbers were able to reach the roof by climbing a ladder that was connected to a construction site on an adjacent roof.

Inside, they made off with cash from a vault they were able to break open, the sources said.

But they failed to crack another locked safe where the big bucks were stashed, ­according to the sources.

Police officers were investigating the scene on the Saturday after Independence Day, claiming that it would have taken the robbers over an hour to saw the hole. No details have been revealed on how much cash the robbers made away with, but I'm going to guess it was $1776.

[Image via New York Post]