Morocco has banned Ridley Scott's biblical epic Exodus, according to The Guardian, because it contains a representation of God, which is forbidden in Islam. Also it is racist and bad.

The ban was issued in response to a scene in which God appears in the form of a "child who gives a revelation to the prophet Moses," the film's distributor told The Guardian.

Exodus has also been banned in Egypt as a result of its "historical inaccuracies," The Guardian reports, "including an apparent claim that 'Moses and the Jews built the pyramids.'"

"This totally contradicts proven historical facts," Egyptian culture minister Gaber Asfour told the British newspaper. "It is a Zionist film," he said. "It gives a Zionist view of history and contains historical inaccuracies and that's why we have decided to ban it."

Rupert Murdoch, who is pretty sure Egyptians are white, has yet to weigh in. "Gold temples everywhere... Must come back before tourists wreck," he tweeted from Myanmar this morning.

Update: According to Gulf News, Exodus will not be released in the United Arab Emirates, either.

[Image via YouTube]